
The programme is effectively 18 months in duration, and is presented on a four or five – block basis (block = six days).  In principle the blocks are scheduled as follows:

Block 1: first week of June/ July recess
Block 2: September / October recess week
Block 3: week after schools open at end of January
Block 4: first week of June/July recess 
Block 5: concurrent with Block 2

Generally, two modules are presented per block. However, 2.5 modules are presented in each of blocks 1 and 2, which result in the completion of five modules in the first cycle, and the remaining four or five by September / October in the second cycle. The core module Research methodology is presented in the first two blocks, thus enabling commencement of the research project at an early stage of the programme – the submission date for the treatise being early December. 

During Block 1 the following modules are presented: Research methodology; Corporate strategy; and Accounting and project finance. During Block 2, and Management information systems (MIS) for construction and IT applications, and a further module, related to each of the specialisations, will be presented.

Block 3 & 4 modules presented will depend upon the specialisations registered for. Students have a choice of one elective in their specialisation, which is presented in Block 5.

Assessment procedures

The following assessment procedures apply:

  • In all modules, assessment is continuous – modules are assessed at the beginning of the following block;
  • Assignments are submitted for evaluation within the overall programme;
  • Individual and group project reports, interactive discussions, individual presentations are included within a comprehensive range of assessment processes, and
  • The appointment of moderators by the Faculty Management Committee, Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, NMMU.


Please enquire on (041) 504 2258 or for current fee structures when making application. There is an application fee and a registration fee.

Programme: Depending on the specialisation, there are 9 or 10 x 15 credit modules plus the treatise, which are 75 credits.  In 2016 the fee for the 15 credit modules amounted to R4230, 00 per module and the treatise was R11860, 00.  However, you must allow for escalation of fees, which can amount to approximately 8% annually.


Bursaries: There are a limited number of bursaries available, but applications close for most of them in mid to end September each year.  Information can be obtained from the NMMU’s  Research office: (041) 504 2538.  Furthermore, there are a limited number of Postgraduate NMMU Scholarships available.  


Application and registration


Application forms for admission to the NMMU together with an application to be admitted to postgraduate study (Form U24) may be obtained from our Admissions office (041) 504 4120 / 3447/2938, or downloaded from the NMMU website at . The completed and signed registration forms, together with the application fee, must be submitted to the Admissions Department for processing.


Once your application has been accepted you will be given a student reference number.  In order to register you must make an initial payment of R3500 (Part time, 2016 figure) and R6200 (Full time, 2016 figure). 

NMMU banking details for down-payments:
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rink Street, Port Elizabeth
Branch code: 050417
Account name: NMMU
Account no: 080265855
Reference: Your student number (very important)
FAX payment receipt to: 041 504 2858

Bank payments do NOT reflect immediately on your student account. Allow
four (4) business days for processing. A copy of the direct deposit or electronic
payment should be in your possession for enquiry purposes. Post-dated payments
are not acceptable.

Fax/email the deposit slip to the Faculty Officer for the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, and Information Mr Jonathan Dorothy. His telephone number is (041) 504 3447, and his e-mail:


The last day for 2017 ‘intake’ application is 30 April 2017.  However, we would appreciate your application as soon as possible.



We do not arrange accommodation, but Tourism (Port Elizabeth) can be contacted on (041) 585 8884 for suitable options close to the University.

Further information

The Programme Director

Professor Brink Botha                                                 


Phone:  (041) 504 2085                                                    

Mobile:  083 788 3088


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Winchester Guesthouse
Tel: 041 528 2052
69 Winchester Way
Port Elizabeth 
Eastern Cape
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